McHenry County Lead Safe Homes Program

McHenry County Lead Safe Homes Program QR Code

Was your home built before 1978 and resides within McHenry County? Do you have a child aged 0 to 5 living or regularly visiting your home and/or with an elevated blood lead level (over 3.5 μg/dL) and were advised by your child’s doctor/ nurse to seek help for lead poisoning? Are you pregnant with an elevated blood lead level (over 3.5 μg/dL)?

Even if you suspect your home contains lead-based paint, McHenry County’s Lead Safe Homes application is now open and available to help. Use this QR Code to locate the program’s webpage and application link.

The mission of the program is to eliminate childhood lead poisoning in all low and moderate income privately owned rental and/or owner occupied housing populations throughout McHenry County. This goal will be achieved using identification and control of lead-based paint hazards. They are committed to making healthy homes and safe environments available to all children aged 5 and under in the county by addressing a multitude of hazards in area homes where children are or can be present. Click here for further information regarding residents with their homes’ lead contamination which will result in happier, healthier children.